Pulp Mills
The Edmundston Fraser Mill in 1945
Date: 1945
Creator: Geraldine Carpenter Studio Inc.
Source: CDEM Fraser Companies Limited Collection
Collaborator(s): Mr. Gérald Pelletier, Mr. William Brebner
Description: Here is a view of the Edmundston Fraser pulp and cardboard mill in 1945. We see on the left the Jensen bleach towers which fed bisulfate to the digester for cooking pulp. In the towers, sulphur was burned to produce a sulphuric gas. The gas rose up in the towers that also contained lime stones; water was added to produce bisulfate acid. The boiler room located on the right, provided steam energy for the digester in the process of fabricating pulp.
Subject: New Brunswick,Forests, Logging, Pulp mills, Edmunndston