Canadian Heritage

Thematic Collections

Construction of the Cogeneration Plant of the Edmundston Fraser Mill
The Edmundston Fraser Pulp and Paperboard Mill in 1981
Construction of the Machine Shop of the  Edmundston Fraser Mill
The Edmundston Fraser Pulp and Paperboard Mill
Dismantling of the Old Wood Room to Make Place for the New Primary Pump Building at the Edmundston Fraser Mill
The Edmundston Fraser Pulp and Paperboard Mills in 1981
The Edmundston Fraser Pulp and Paperboard Mills in 1972
The Edmundston Fraser Pulp and Paperboard Mills in 1972
The Wood Room and the Groundwood Department of the Edmundston Fraser Mill
A Smoke Stack Being Installed at the Cogeneration Plant at the Edmundston Fraser Mill
Installation of a Stack at the Cogeneration Plant of the Edmundston Fraser Mill
The Edmundston Fraser Mill in 1984
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